Virtual Experience user questionnaire

These are the answers of User ID #23, registered in the Experience 373.

General user information


What best describes your professional status?

For example : professor (full-time), professor (part-time or adjunct), graduate student, undergraduate student, retired, other.


Which best describes your primary field of research or study?

For example : theatre history/practice / french studies / eighteenth-century studies / literature / history / social sciences / non-academic.


How would you describe your experience in your field?

For example : Student / Emerging Scholar (~1-6 years in the profession) / Mid-career scholar (~7-15 years in the profession) / Senior Scholar (~15+ years in the profession) / Retired.


About the user interface

This part allows us to understand more about your experience with the user interface during your immersion in the virtual environment. By system we mean the tool used to access historical data inside VR, regardless of the headset itself.

How would you rate your familiarity with virtual reality devices?

Completely unfamiliar
Very familiar

I think that I would like to use this system frequently

If we used our tools to access information in any other virtual environment relevant to your field, would you use it frequently?

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I found the system unnecessarily complex

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I thought the system was easy to use

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this system

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I found the various functions in this system were well integrated

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I found the system very cumbersome to use

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I felt very confident using the system

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system

Fully disagree
Fully agree

About image depth

The following questions allows us to understand how you were able to retrieve useful information during your experience.

I was able to access information I was interested in during the experience

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I learned about the reconstructed space

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I learned about the historical context of the environment

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I felt overwhelmed by information

Fully disagree
Fully agree

Being able to visualize documents helped me to understand the environment I was in

Fully disagree
Fully agree

Being able to visualize documents helped me to understand the reconstruction of the environment

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I feel that I have the ability to discuss the hypothesis behind the reconstruction of the environment

Fully disagree
Fully agree

I found that this digital reconstruction is a faithful representation of historical reality

Fully disagree
Fully agree

About academic use

This final part is aimed at understanding the potential use of our system in research and teaching.

Before using this system, how would you rate your feelinge about VR simulations in academic research?

Not useful at all
Extremely useful

How would you rate the potential for using this system in its current form for academic research?

Very low potential
Extremely high potential

How would you rate the potential for using this system in its current form for popularization of academic research?

Very low potential
Extremely high potential

How would you rate the potential for using this system in its current form for undergraduate instruction?

Very low potential
Extremely high potential

How would you rate the potential for using a system based on the principles of this simulation for your field of research?

Very low potential
Extremely high potential

How would you rate the potential for using this system in its current form for undergraduate instruction in your field?

Very low potential
Extremely high potential

Would you use a system based on these principles in your field?

Not at all